List of channels Cccam Golden StoreSat server

List of channels Cccam Golden StoreSat server
List of channels that work on the Golden StoreSat server As well as the subscription renewal worldwide :
We’ll talk today List of channels Cccam Golden StoreSat server To begin with, One of the most famous servers in the world of Sharing and satellite is a cccam server called StoreSat. In short It opens many packages and encrypted channels across dozens of worldwide satellites. Not to mention We will follow up with you below with the names of the packages that it is working on (note / the names of the official packages, not the channels).
In sum, How to subscribe to the Golden StoreSat server :
- Above all After reviewing the list of package names that work on the Golden StoreSat server
- You will contact the satellite store customer service, and you must indicate the name of your device to the customer service employee and agree on the payment process, and you will receive the data shortly after payment.
firstly List of channels that work on the Golden StoreSat : |
Hispasat 30W
Portuguese MEO TV works
Portuguese Nos works
NileSat 7W
ART fully functional
Amos 4W
YES channels Full SD and HD as well as 4K
Thor 1W
Focus Sat fully functional
UPC Direct fully functional
Digi TV Romanian, Hungarian and Czech fully functional
Canal Digital fully functional
BulgariaSat 2W
Polaris Media is fully functional, including the Serbian Arena channels
Bulgarian NewSat is completely stable and transmits all European championships
Astra 5W
Viasat receives in the Arab region only 3 frequencies and they work perfectly, and the rest of the frequencies are difficult to receive, but some channels work, including Eurosport PAN 2 HD.
Eutelsat 9E
Hungarian MTVA fully functional
German Kabel Kiosk
secondly A list of satellites that are easy to receive in the Middle East and North Africa
HotBird 13E
French Bis TV, most of them work perfectly, including France 2, 3, 4 and 5 channels, very steadily
All Polish NC+, including (Eleven – Canal) channels. The entire Cyfrowy Polsat package, including (Polsat Sport) channels
The Italian Mediaset is fully functional with the SRG SSR package, which is Fully known by the Swiss
The Italian RAI is fully operational, including the Rai 4k channel
The Russian RTVI works perfectly
Russian NTV is working quite steadily
MBC Saudi Arabia is working steadily
Love Nature 4k channel works perfectly
The complete Euro Sport channels that broadcast in dozens of languages
Eutelsat 16E
Albanian Albanicasat is working fully steadily
Czech Antiksat and Pink package works fully functional
HRT Croatian Government working perfectly
All Serbian Total TV and all Package Freesat Romania
All MAX TV Croatian, which includes the channels Arena Sport Club HD
Slovak Orange works completely and with
Albanian DigitAlb works completely including Super Sport channels
The Bosnian Hayat HD channel is working perfectly
Astra 19E
Bis French government works well
Spanish Movistar+ working fine
The German Sky Deutschland works completely except for the unstable SELECT channels, but it only needs third generation devices, and it also works with Sky Sport UHD
German HD+ fully working
AustriaSat fully operational
Belgian TV fully functional
French TNT works
Astra 23E
Dutch CanalDigitaal fully functional
Dutch TV Vlaanderen fully functional
Hungarian Skylink is fully functional
Astra 31E
Discovery is working, including channel (Eurosport Russia).
Irish Setanta, including two sports channels that broadcast the majority of matches
Eutelsat 36E
firstly The Russian NTV Plus package works
Tricolor TV package is fully functional
HellasSat 39E
firstly Bulgarian Bulsatcom fully operational
secondly Romanian Telecom works
Türksat 42E
firstly Turkish D Smart is working
AzerSpace 45E
firstly Bulgarian Vivacom Complete Package
thirdly A list of satellites that are difficult to receive in the Middle East and North Africa, but not impossible
Express 56E
The Russian NTV Plus Vostok package works
ApStar 76E
firstly SkyNet Asia Package is fully functional
Intelsat 85E
Russian Telekarta is working
secondly Russian continent TV is working
Yamal 90E
firstly Dozhd channel works
SES 108E
firstly Indian Airtel works
Last but not least Worldwide payment methods :
- VISA | Available Worldwide
- Mastercard | Available Worldwide
- PayPal | Available Worldwide
- USDT | Available Worldwide
- Paysera | Available to all European Union countries as well as some other countries.
- Wise | Available Worldwide
- Bank transfer | Available Worldwide
- PS4 & PS5 Gift Cards | American as well as Emirati only (we do not always deal with it, refer to customer service).
Finally You can contact Satellite Store customer service via WhatsApp | Satellite Store 9 years of experience in the Arab market.
List of working channels on Forever server
List of Apollo IPTV Server Channels
See also the Store SAT website in the Arabic version :
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